Our Company

Our company was founded in 1987 as a one-man business and then became the Keßler Bau AG in 2002. Currently, as a medium-sized construction company in the Uckermark region, we employ 69 people.

icon_widget_image Monday to Thursday
7.15 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Uhr Friday
7.15 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
icon_widget_image pLützlower Damm 3a
in 17291 Uckerfelde
icon_widget_image Tel. 039861-59370
Fax: 039861-593737
icon_widget_image info@kessler-bau-group.de

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Commercial building


What sets us apart is our efficiency, structure and adherence to deadlines. We have extensive know-how and experience at home and abroad (FR & PL) for all kinds of retailers (e.g. discounters).

We entered the Polish market in 2007. The first two projects we started were in Brzeg (near Wroclaw) and in Szczecin. New contacts with Polish architects, planners and project developers have constantly been established since then, in order to increase the number of orders we realise in Poland.

We have also been active as a general contractor in the field of commercial construction since 2008. Our technical know-how, adherence to deadlines, quality of materials and workmanship and our excellent contacts to competent planners and architects, as well as efficient construction partners, are our strengths.